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Championship Manager 4 No-cd Crack 112


[New Stuff]2.1 CM9798: Modified links to patch and uwad2.2.3 CM3 Known Bugs: Information about the v3.03d update2.2.11 CM3 Features: Full Squad - Delay Transfer for a week?4 CM sites: More sites addedContents..1. The Newsgroup.1.1. The FAQ.1.2. Posting Guidelines.2. The Games.2.1. CM9798.2.2. CM3.2.2.1 Contracts.2.2.2 History Editing.2.2.3 Known Bugs.2.2.4 Matches - Friendlies.2.2.5 Management and International.2.2.6 Problem Solving.2.2.7 Questions.2.2.8 Tactics.2.2.9 Transfers.2.2.10 Training Questions.2.2.11 Features.2.2.12 Pictures.2.3. News.3. Questions.3.1. Questions not to ask.3.2. Topics covered.4. CM sites.5. This FAQ1. The Newsgroup1.1. The FAQ.Welcome to This FAQ will be posted once everyweek, or when I can be bothered. Netiquette and common sense suggestthat you 'lurk' (read without contributing) for a month before makingyour first post, so you have no excuse not to have seen this filebefore you do so. If you ignore the FAQ, and make an idiot of yourselfoutright, you waive your right not to be shouted at. So pay attention.Where either Techcities or Sports Interactive are mentioned, theweb-sites will be found in section 4.This FAQ can also be found at: Posting Guidelines.Read a FAQ on netiquette before posting. You should have read onebefore subscribing to the group. There is no excuse for ignorance inthe middle of an information superhighway. If you need to test yourability to post, do it on alt.test, not on in doubt, Quote. If people can't tell what you are replying to,they will become agitated and prone to flame you. Don't quote anentire post, just to respond with one line. Quote only the relevantpart of the post. That is, the part of the post that you wish tocomment on. If you do not know how to quote, read the manual oron-line help that came with your particular Internet software is NOT a binary Newsgroup. Do *not* post binary files. Nopictures, sound files, or (God forbid) video clips. Post binary filesto, or put them on a web page andadvertise them in the Newsgroup (once will be sufficient). If youdon't have a web site, you can get a free site from Geocities, see for details, and any number of other similarservices.Q. What about tactic files, they're only a few KB?A. Most news servers block binary posts, regardless of the size, so alot of people will not be able to download the original post as theydid not know it was there... so despite the small size, post it tothe binaries group, where it will show up on every ones news server...Try not to post the same message more than once. It is very annoyingand you are likely to be flamed, it is also know in the group as aMcShane, and you will be called a gimp. Try not to post the whole ofthe message you are replying to. It is not a good idea to ask peopleto put the CM3 demo on a "warez" site or ask for the URL where it canbe reached. If you do get into an argument with someone on thisNewsgroup, don't start getting a 3rd party involved in spammingpeople. The regulars on this Newsgroup will help each other out andthere is a LOT of regulars !!Don't post in ALL CAPITALS. That indicates is NOT an advertising forum. While using to trade goodssuch as games, software, CDs, items directly related to the gameChampionship Manager is tolerated and, by many, actively encouraged.Posting "for sale" ads for other items, whether football related ornot, is generally considered to be "spamming" and annoys people.Unless they're both topical and highly amusing, trolls are frownedupon. Don't ask stupid questions, or make bogus statements, merely forthe response. See a psychologist, or enrol in your country's armedforces.Try to avoid starting or getting into "My X is better than your X"type arguments, where "X" can be your country, computer, other teamsyou happen to support, or indeed anything else. Such debates arepurely subjective and achieve nothing other than filling the Newsgroupwith irrelevant opinionated rubbish. While you have every right toyour opinion, and you might be convinced you're absolutely correct,we're not interested in hearing it. Also included in this aresubjective opinions on real life players (i.e. X is crap, Y rules) andabuse aimed at people depending on which club they support.You should not post, unless your post directly concerns ChampionshipManager or Football. Slight deviations will be acceptable.Do not make specific posts advertising your site, just include thesite address in your sig lines or forward the site info to me and Iwill include it in section 4 of this FAQ.Use common sense. It goes a long way. You know what's stupid, andwhat isn't.2. The games.The English versions:CM1 (92/93 season);CM93 (93/94 season);CM93 End of Season (93/94 season);CM94 (94/95 season);CM2 v1.37 (95/96 season);CM2 v1.56 (95/96 season);CM2 v2.00 (96/97 season);CM2 v2.81 (97/98 season);CM2 v2.93 (as above, but patched - date Jan/Feb '98);CM3 v3.02 (98/99 season);CM3 v3.03d (as above, but latest patched version - date 4 June '99);-There have also been various foreign versions.2.1. CM9798A lot of questions have been asked on which is the best formations ortactics to use in order to be successful. This should help.Some of you may be finding the CM 97/98 very difficult. The followinghints and tips are from Marc Vaughan who has taken Brighton to the topof the Premiership within 10 seasons.There are quite a few differences in the game engine between the oldCM2 and 97/98, mainly some of the bugs (sorry features) which madeuser defined tactics too successful have been removed. This makes thegame much more challenging. I'll give you a brief guide to success(well I got Brighton into the Premiership using these tactics so theycan't be too bad).Problems Scoring ?If you are not getting many chances, buy a player with high creativityor several forwards with high heading, and a decent corner taker. Ifyou are getting chances but not converting them, buy players with highshooting and heading ability. Also specifying a player with high setpiece and shooting abilities to take direct free kicks will help.Leaking Goals ?Every shot goes in - this tends to indicate a bad goalkeeper. Judginggoalkeeper form is very hard and it may take a while to find agoalkeeper who will perform well. Permanently under pressure - thistends to indicate that you have a weak midfield as opposed to a poordefence and that they aren't holding the ball up and giving thedefence some relief. Try either packing the midfield with more playersor switching to long ball tactic, if you are not already using it.Poor defence - if you have few good defensive players, then tryplaying 532 with midfielders in the wingback positions and your bestdefender in a sweeper position in the centre, usually he will mop upany strikers who get past your weaker defenders.Favourite Tactics ?The tactics which I prefer are 442 long ball if out-classed by theopposition or 532 long ball if not. However my team specialises in setpiece headers and crossing (hence the long ball and wingers) your teammay not. The best idea with tactics is to pick one of the standardtactics and modify it very slightly to fit your team.Buying Players ?Take in mind when having purchased a new player that he may take timeto settling into your squad. I usually play them in their first fewmatches as subs and if after 4-5 games they haven't started gettingratings of 7+ then I start thinking of moving them on. When purchasingplayers if you have the money look around at the Under 21international teams for promising youngsters. I nearly always buy atleast 4 youngsters at the end of the season, put them on shortcontracts and see how they perform. If at the end of the season theyhave an average rating of 7.00 or over, put them on a long termcontract (as long as possible try 5-7 years) otherwise simply releasethem.When searching for a player, always ensure that you have a sensiblefilter set. Below I have listed my base filter:Heading 10+Inj Proneness 15-Passing 10+Stamina 10+Strength 10+If you are looking for a forward/striker, include the following:Creativity 10+Shooting 15+Heading 15+If you are looking for a midfielder, include the following:Tackling 10+Positioning 10+General Hints ?Make sure that you have an experienced (usually 24+) player with ahigh influence as your captain, if you haven't then your youngerplayers may not perform as well as they might. Choosing correct FreeKick, Corner and Penalty takers is very important.Be very careful when free transferring players as the board will takeoffence if you attempt to free transfer a player of any worth (usually50k+ for a third division side to 200k+ for a premier side).Note that if the board makes more money available to you at the end ofa season, they will expect that to be used to strengthen your squadand so will expect a good league position in the next year.Be very careful when purchasing Foreign Players as they are requiredto play in 75% of games to retain their work permits. If they losetheir work permits then you will be stuck with a player in your squadwho cannot play for you but is taking up a squad space.Of course, if you are following these recommendations, you'll end upwith a team similar to my Brighton squad which may not be exactly whatyou're after...There are also various little hidden features and bugs not mentionedin the manual.-Right Mouse Button:Clicking on Done using the right mouse button when in the main menuwill advance the calendar on a daily basis as opposed to using theleft mouse button which will generally advance the calendar to yournext fixture. This will be helpful when you want to avoid missingtransfer deadlines or when wanting to buy new players etc.-Space Bar:Pressing the space bar during a match sequence will speed up thematch.-Overall-Home-Away Record:On any league table by clicking on the Overall Record at the top ofthe table you will be able to see the Home Record - click again you'llsee the Away Record.-Description of player match stats:In the player stats screen for any match - by hovering the mouse overthe titles for each column of stats you will have a box appear whichcontains a description of what these stats mean.-Team Progress Graph:By clicking the mouse on the position number of any team in any leagueor group table you will see that teams progress within the table inthe form of a graph.-View Match Option:You may view any match by clicking on the -v- for versus on a fixturelist. This will turn the -v- to view. Clicking a second time willrevert back to -v- again.-'Escape' key:Pressing the escape key will return you to the main menu at the nextpossible opportunity. Please note that to get the computer's attentionrepeatedly pressing or holding down the key may be necessary.-Match Stats of Played Games:Clicking on the score (from any type of results screen) of any playedgame within one season will allow you to see all the stats for thatmatch.-Manager History:By clicking on the managers' name in the general info screen of theSquad screen will enable you to see the entire history of thatmanager.-Transfer Deadlines:In the player search screen, when the players names are in grey thismeans the transfer deadline of the country in which that player isplayinghas passed. So this means any player in grey writing cannot be bought.-Screen Shots:Pressing Shift+the number with "&" will take a picture of the currentscreen, and save it as "Mark.pcx." Good for showing yourself off onalt.binaries.champ-man !!-The "Twelve Man" bug:Sometimes it may seem that the computer controlled team have made asubstitution without taking anyone off the pitch, resulting in themlooking like they have twelve players. This is purely visual, and hasabsolutely no effect on the game or the result.-The "*" button:Pressing this will exit the game from any screen. Please note you mayneed to press a few times or hold it down to get the computersattention.Patch for v2.93 is available from If this link does not work on several occasions (server isn't veryreliable) then contact me. (If you get a 404 error then I've made atypo).The "Update With A Difference (or UWAD) Version 1" is up !! Get itfrom: Thankyou: Fil, Joe Cole and everyone else who helped.2.2. CM3.2.2.1 - ContractsIf the player says he doesn't want to negotiate a new contract at thattime, then he will refuse any contracts you may offer him, no matterhow good they are, to get them to sign a new contract you need toeither play them more often, change their squad status to somethingmore relevant for what they are doing, or improve their morale byplaying them in more games, but sometimes none of these work and theplayer will eventually leave under the bosman ruling.If the player says that they feel that the club cannot meet theirdemands, then offer them a low minimum fee release clause, so they'llbe able to move to a club that will pay loadsamoney whenever a clubbecomes interested and you can't stop them... so a low minimum releaseclause will make them more likely to sign a new contract...If the player wants more wages than you can offer, then (if you arebuying them) you can increase the signing on fee, or (if you arerenegotiating their contract) you can offer them improved bonuses.If you wish to release a player on a free transfer then you must paythat player compensation worth half of his remaining contract, i.e. ifthey are on 1000 per week and have exactly 200 weeks left until theircontract expires then you have to pay the player 100 000... but thisis approximate and you don't pay the player an exact figure, just tothe nearest large amount the same as a transfer fee moves up in jumps,not 100 a time... so a player on 20 500 could require 1 500 000 tofree transfer one week, but the next week that will not be 1 479 500,instead it will either still be 1.5M or go down to 1.4M...The Offer Contract ScreenBasic Wage - just that, how much you are paying him weekly, monthly orannually (depending on your game settings). The player will accept alittle less than what he wants, as they usually name a higher priceknowing the manager will bring it down; however if you are biddingagainst other clubs for the player, it is best to leave the wages asthey are.Signing on fee - only when buying a player, how much you give them ina lump sum when they join your club.Contract Length - again fairly straight forward. The player willusually accept a 1 year extension of what they want...Job Description - only for over 30's, you can make a player aplayer/coach or demote a player/coach to a player... strangely youcan't make a player/assistant manager, despite there being several inthe game from the start e.g. Alex Watson, Torquay...Bonuses:Clean Sheet Bonus - Goalkeepers only, a negotiable lump sum is paid tothem for each senior match they keep a clean sheet in (excludinginternationals?).Assist Bonus - a negotiable lump sum is paid to the player every timethey set up a goal in a senior match, but not available forgoalkeepers for Route 1 style managers...Goal Bonus - a negotiable lump sum paid to the player every time theyscore a senior goal for the club, also not available for goalkeepers,a la Peter Schmeichels 1M per goal...Clauses:Minimum Fee Release Clause - If a club makes a bid equaling the amountin this clause then the player can leave if he wants to without theclub having a say in whether he stays or goes...Manager Job Release Clause - for player aged 30+, if a club without amanager wants that player to be their player manager then the playercan leave for no fee without his current club stopping him.Non-Promotion Release Clause - If agreed then if the club fails togain promotion in any season whilst the player has this clause intheir contract then any club may bid the release value stated in thecontract and the club is unable to prevent the player leaving if hewants to.Relegation Release Clause - If agreed then if the club gets relegatedin any season whilst the player has this clause in their contract thenany club may bid the release value stated in the contract and the clubis unable to prevent the player leaving if he wants to.2.2.2 - History EditingTo do this you need to have the history installed, this is notinstalled with the minimum installation, but might(?) be installedwith the typical installation.In the "History" directory within the CM3 directory, create a new filecalled "Dunfermline Athletic.his" with the following text (the filename and entries within it must match the items full name within thegame):(Do not add the or parts)eg.CATEGORY: CLUBTitle: Dunfermline AthleticSection: Dunfermline Athleticpic: default.hsrDunfermline Athletic, known as the Pars, are shite etc etc etcetcThis creates a basic history entry for Dunfermline Athletic with thedefault picture. This will appear in the Find/Written History pageswithin CM3 and a new History drop down item will appear in the maindrop down for Dunfermline Athletic which will show the same info.Various other options can be added to this:1) Additional or replacement pictures can be added within the text,using additional pic: xxxxxx.hsr CLUBTitle: Dunfermline AthleticSection: Dunfermline Athleticpic: default.hsrDunfermline Athletic, known as the Pars, are shite etc etc etc etcpic: pars.hsrThey once scored two goals in one match etc etc etcThe pictures will appear on the display as the text it precedes isroughly half-way within the viewing window (except the first picturealways appears for the top of the text). To create a new history picture, use the Picture Editor in the CM3directory (piced.exe) to convert an already-created 257x335 .bmp fileinto a .hsr file. The .hsr file should be save to the "History"subdirectory (the same location as your .his files).2) If you specify more than one Section: xxx tag, a drop downappears with each xxx tag and you can choose which part of the historyyou want to CLUBTitle: Dunfermline AthleticSection: Dunfermline Athletic (part 1)pic: default.hsrIn the beginning, God created Dunfermline Athletic etc etc etcSection: Dunfermline Athletic (part 2)But then he realised they were shite so disowned them etc etc etcWithin the history, you can now select each piece of the historyindividually.An added bonus, because of the way the history works, .his files canactually be changed while CM3 is running, and purely by canceling outof the history then re-viewing it, your changes can be examined.Unfortunately, since the picture editor and CM3 cannot run at the sametine, changes to .hsr files cannot be made and viewed immediately.Too see how things work, look at some of the existing .his fileswithin the "History" subdirectory. "Liverpool.his" is a good exampleas it has multiple sections and multiple pictures. Finally, a word of warning, if you have too little text for thehistory of the item, CM3 can crash when the history is selected fromthe main title drop down (but, seemingly, not from Find/WrittenHistory). However, with the avid support teams have throughout theland, I'm sure this won't be a problem...2.2.3 - Known BugsNEW! If you are still experiencing crashing with v3.03c, there is anew update out, only recommended for people who experiences crashes todownload, from _u.exe(6.6MB), or the full download if you're upgrading from v3.02, or v3.03(not b\c) from (2.7MB) It is only recommended that you upgrade to v3.03d if you areexperiencing these crashes.Fixes in v3.03d: -Fixed a crash which could occur when updating staff contracts Fixed a crash which could occur when clicking on "Team Instructions"on the tactics screen Fixed a crash in the Norwegian First Division which could prevent thegame continuing Fixed a crash in the Argentine Second Division which could prevent thegame continuingSome (all?) of these bugs have been fixed in the patch to v3.03c,this patch can be found in the essentials section of or direct link: _u.exe for the upgradeversion (only if you already have v3.03 or v3.03b), (about 2.7MB) if you have v3.02(off the cd, un patched - or with copy protection patch). (about6.6MB)Do not get v3.03 as it was very slow on many machines, also v3.03b isnow out of date...The bugs fixed in v3.03c:1-The Portuguese cup dates have been modified.2-Fixed crashes on certain dates.The official list of bugs known to be fixed and changes by v3.03b:1-The copy-protection system has been replaced with a more reliableone.2-The game is now much more stable through the fixing of various bugs.3-There is now support for the French, Italian, and Portugueselanguages.4-The database has been updated and refined.5-The transfer system has been improved.6-Highest gate receipts record now uses current currency.7-Players away on loan are ignored for highest average rating clubrecord.8-Disabled viewing of other clubs reserve screens.9-Fixed crash in Next Match screen.10-Fixed fixture rules for players on Next Match screen.11-Last match field on Next Match screen now works with allcompetitions.12-Disabled cancelling friendlies when selecting a team for afriendly.13-Removed check for 20 players when selecting further squads forEurope.14-Computer controlled teams now approach players quicker who areleaving on Bosman.15-Moving players between senior and reserve squads now removes themfrom the tactics.16-Non-promotion and relegation clauses now work properly.17-Fixed bug with loan players from Spanish A/B teams.18-Club wage bill is updated for loan players.19-Human controlled club's automatic player values are now done thesame as computer teams.20-Players on trial now do not enquire about their future.21-Fixed club button on contract expiry news message.22-Players who request transfers are now not loan listed as well.23-Fixed colour clashes in match screens.24-Player discipline and injury history now cleared up properly onretirement.25-Fixed wages for certain nations.26-Cost of building stadiums is more realistic.27-Fixed potential crash when managing Brighton at end of firstseason.28-When club is bankrupt, players values cannot be set manually.29-Players who are not training now do not get injured.30-Fixed bug with players catching illnesses on nation trips abroad.31-Fixed start of season date for Norway.32-Fixed error when clicking on another club in a Reserves fixturesscreen.33-Players are no longer called up to national squads doing finalscompetitions.34-Fixed some text buttons on several news messages aboutinternational callups35-Players in an international B squad are no longer on internationalduty when there is a single A team match.36-Added the stadium's city name to news items describing cup draws orfixture results.37-Fixed club financial recovery news message.38-Fixed a bug where user is sometimes stuck on a news screen - onlybackground picture changes.39-Fixed error message when inviting other human teams to friendlycompetitions.40-Certain players career histories now sorted correctly at start ofgame.41-Virtual staff now do not have a current form string.42-Loan contracts can now not exceed main contracts.43-Players on trial now do not agree terms so easily.44-Fixed team award date range in a staff's achievements.45-Transfer value now isn't displayed for non playing staff.46-Fixed missing Action menu for certain staff bug.47-Included safeguard for ensuring that players do not lose theirposition.48-Terminating coaches contracts when on the Coaches window intraining now updates properly.49-McManaman's transfer to Real Madrid is now is classified as aBosman transfer.50-Fixed bug with starting future transfers - wages were too high.51-Computer teams now re-evaluate transfers when part-exchangedplayers are removed from the transfer.52-Fixed news message when board cancels transfer.53-Fixed bug where some transfers are forgotten.54-Ineligible players in unused substitute spaces for matches are notchecked.55-Fixed work permit bug when staff under offer get their permitscancelled.56-Athletic Bilbao now do not ask for non-Basque players in partexchange.57-Some starting future transfers were being cancelled as the transferdate did not fit in with the transfer windows.58-Athletic Bilbao can sign non-Basque non playing staff.59-Fixed a few text buttons on transfer news messages.60-Computer controlled teams now make better decisions on transferoffers.61-Fixed bug where a user could cancel a clause transfer after havingto accept it.62-Staff reputations affected more by winning awards.63-Fixed World Player of the Year award.64-Virtual staff no longer included in team of the week awards.65-Moved back the Scottish awards date.66-Prize money news is now not given if money is small compared toclub size.67-Friendly matches now get played at the right time of day.68-Fixed bug where cancelling a tour deleted all matches for a club inthat period.69-Changed some international friendly dates.70-Stronger nations now play friendly matches home and away.71-Champions League teams on equal points are now sorted using goalsas well as points against each other.72-Fixed European qualification places for some nations.73-Reserve matches now don't get scheduled for playoff groups.74-Changed the English Inter-toto application day.75-Fixed bug with selection routine for English Inter-toto team.76-All major European nation league winners now qualify for the groupstage of the Champions Cup even when the past winner is from the samenation.77-French league cup winner now qualifies for the UEFA cup.78-English Autoglass cup now has 3 subs rule and has had itscompetition history routine fixed.79-FA Cup semi final now has extra time.80-French cup prize money fixed and has correct rules for decidingwhich team plays at home in each round.81-French league cup prize money fixed.82-Rescheduled German cup games around internationals.83-Small change to Italian Serie C cup schedule.84-Fixed Italian Cup schedule and rules.85-Norwegian schedules fixed for World Cup/Euro Champ years.86-Portuguese Cup semi final ties now at home team's stadium.87-Changed a couple of Scottish league cup dates.88-Fixed CONMEBOL cup match rules.89-Changed European cups later round dates.90-Fixed Champions Cup news message for Preliminary round.91-Fixed bug where finals competitions group stages sometimes had 4games for teams.92-National team manager confidence improved.93-Better managerial decisions by club boards.94-Changed some dates in the Belgian league schedules.95-5 subs for Danish leagues.96-English Conference sorted by goal difference then goals for.97-Changed French league prize money.98-Fixed French First Division schedule.99-Italian Serie C2 B and C teams now promoted properly.100-Spanish B teams can now be relegated from the 2nd Division.101-English cup tied players now ineligible for whole competition andnot just one round.102-Included Scottish transfer deadline dates.103-Trialists in Sweden can now play in competitive matches.104-Improved notation of Spanish Peseta105-Now says "Escudo" instead of "Conto" for Portugal106-Modified database code so that data updates can be producedwithout having to change the executable.107-Added support for French, Italian, and Portuguese languages.108-Replaced the copy-protection system with one which works with allCD and DVD drives.109-Improve some memory management associated with loading thedatabase.110-Fixed a potential (but unreported) bug on the file selectionscreen.111-Added some more safety checks for available memory and disk space.112-Improved the "Merge In" function on the hall of fame screen.113-Made manager stats and job information screens available only forleagues selected in foreground.114-Adjusted the internal values required for each non-playerreputations description.115-Fixed a bug where all scouts return from their assignments if oneof them is released.116-Fixed a bug where a scout recommended a player who is on loan inanother country.117-Made it impossible to import a player or staff search into onesaved game from another.118-Made player career histories always displayed in the correctorder.119-Improved the staff search so that it looks at an unemployedstaff's previous job when doing a job search.120-Fixed an obscure bug associated with rejoining a game that wassaved with the only manager on holiday.121-Refined the credits section of the game.122-Adjusted the starting reputations for human managers.123-Added verification functionality for player_setup.cfg and euro.cfgconfiguration files.124-Updated and refined/improved the database.125-Various other refinements and bug fixes to all parts of the game.2.2.4 - MatchesIf you arrange a friendly against another club, then a different teamwants to play a friendly against you around the same date, News willsay you are unavailable to accept the new request.However, if you'd rather play the second club, you can cancel theoriginal friendly (via fixtures), and can then go back to News andaccept the new request.You can cancel individual matches within a tour.2.2.5 - Management and InternationalYou can manage any international team, as long as there are more than100 players in the loaded database of that nationality, if there are500 or more players of that nationality then you can assume U21management as well.If you are an international manager and you are asked to vote for theFIFA World Player of the Year award, then the slightly 'obscure' wayto vote is:1. At the screen asking you to vote click on the name of the award2. On this screen there is a "shortlist" button - click on this.3. You will see a list of shortlisted players nominated for the award.4. Choose the player you feel should get the award by clicking on hisname.5 in the top right hand corner of the player profile screen you willsee a button saying "Vote for Player". Click on this and then confirm.(Thanks to Mark Woodger for the solution)Q. What about the player's player, and the writer's player, domanagers vote for those?A. Player's Player of the year is chosen by vote of Professionalfootballers who are members of the PFA... (presumably all in Englandare...) Football Writer's Player of the year is chosen by a jury ofsports journalists... So, no you only get a vote in a player's awardif it's the FIFA World Player, and you're managing an internationalteam...Q. How can I get a work permit for a player I want to sign, and whatare the rules for getting a work permit?A. To get a work permit in the first place the player needs to be whatthe DoE considers frequently appearing in his international side, toget it renewed the player needs to have played over 75% of the gameshe was available for, excluding ones where he was injured orsuspended.Q. What can I do if my player loses his work permit?A. You cannot play the player, but you are still playing him wages, sohe is an expenditure for the club, either sell him (if you can) to anyclub that will take him, outside of the UK, or you can free transferhim and pay half of his remaining contract up, or you can wait untilhis contract expires and free transfer him then without anycompensation.Q. What's this about dual nationality?A. Dual Nationality is where a player is eligible to play atinternational level for either of two countries, once he has playedfor one nation at full squad level (even in a friendly) he isineligible for the other nation. Dual nationality can also preventthe need for work permits, if a player has Argentinean nationality andalso Italian nationality (i.e. Internazional's 2 Argentineans) thenthey do not require a work permit to play in the UK, neither do theycount as a foreigner in domestic competition. A player can gain dualnationality by playing (or being contracted to) for a club in onecountry for 4-5 years, in CM3 they can only have two nationalities.It may seem like once the player has been played for one nation thatthey 'lose' their other nationality, that does not happen, the playerhas the nation they played for as their main nationality (even if itwas their second nationality previously) and the other nationality astheir second nationality, viewable under the transfer screen.2.2.6 - Problem SolvingAlways keep at least the same size as your saved game free on your cm3drive, as temporary files are created during the game, and if you runout of space and try to save it may cause your saved game to becomecorrupted, as a general rule keep a minimum of 150% of your saved gamesize and at least 50MB minimum free... A lack of disk space is alsothe cause of some "file_list..cpp" errors, if one of these errorscomes up do not save the game as it almost guarantees corruption ofthe saved game... (Solution from Graham Thurlwell).If you cannot create a new game, because it hangs part way through,then try disabling Ultra DMA 33 if you have it, this has worked forsome people. This also appears to work for if your system bombs outwhen loading an existing save. It's a nasty crash - screen goes weird,monitor turns itself off and entire machine freezes. Only way outis to hit reset, and the BIOS sometimes fails to spot IDE drives onrestart. (Addition from Graham Thurlwell)When starting a new game you get an error message (containing 'cpp'and a number) and you cannot start a game then you can still play CM3by running a quickstart file, which can be installed through thecustom install.If you are in Europe and you are asked to submit a squad for thequarter finals of the competition in which you can add two moreplayers and replace two players, but because you have sold a lot ofthe players previously registered you cannot submit the squad andcannot continue, then take a holiday and the assistant manager willsolve the problem for you.During install people experience a problem where although they haveenough space on the drive/partition where they are installing to theyget a message saying that they have run out of disk space, this iscaused by the installer copying files to your windows\temp directoryand there not being enough space on the drive where windows isinstalled... to get around this either free up space on the drivewhere windows is installed or allocate more space to it if it is apartition or install the game in chunks, e.g. game + sounds, then game+ history, then game + basic pics, then game + other pics etc....Some people are experiencing problems on the 1st of May in their firstseason where the game crashes or on other dates, this is caused by theuser trying to buy a non-player near the transfer deadline, for nowwithdraw the bid and try again later or take a short holiday, makingsure that your asst. man won't have time to sell any of yourplayers... this is also believed to be the problem for identicalproblems on other dates... (fixed in v3.03b)When you click on continue, nothing happens except the backgroundchanges and you can't get past that point (usually showing a newsitem), to get past it take a holiday and resume as soon as possible,the problem should have gone away.Some owners of CM3 have experienced an Illegal Operation Error whentrying to run CM3.exe after installation; a solution to this whichworks in some cases is to run the cm3.exe file on the cd. Also see theWindows NT patch.The game refuses to run/install/gives an illegal operation error and Ihave a CD-R/CD-RW/DVD drive. This is possibly caused by the copyprotection. N.B. This may also happen on normal CD drives. Eidoshave come forward with a solution of disabling your joystick port,this seems to be solving the problem. Also try the Windows NT patch.If you have an error window pop up then note what it says (the numberafter cpp) and what you did to cause it and whether it crashes thegame or not. Then head to where thereis an error report form.Some people have been experiencing problems whilst runningcrash-guard, anti-virus and similar programs, if you have a memoryresident program and are experiencing Illegal Operations, then trydisabling/closing any of these programs you may have.If you are running Windows NT or are experiencing illegal operationerrors when loading or running CM3 then you need a patch to run CM3due to the faulty copy protection placed on the cd by Eidos, not SI,this copy protection fix can be found at, and details of thepatch are at This patch also shouldsolve problems experienced by people with DVD drives etc. and otherillegal operation errors.If you are experiencing problems with starting CM3, then you may wishto try the CM3 no-cd crack (unsupported and possibly illegal) which isfound at lfc/CM/, but it will not workin conjunction with any other patch and cannot be updated using theenhancement pack SI are working on...A no-cd patch for v3.03( /b/c, and possibly d) can be found at 2.2.7 - QuestionsQ. Where is player X in ?A. make sure you have that league running in the background asotherwise half or more of the players from that country won't beloaded.Q. When i play up to a certain date, the game always quits withoutleaving an error message or anything. Why?A. If that date is 1st May 99, and you are running v3.02 (top left atmain screen) then you need the update to v3.03c, both updates can bedownloaded from I've got a copy protection fix, does this mean i can use the gamewithout the CD? If so, how do I use it ??A. You still need the cd, it just solves problems some people havewith the original copy protection that was used in v3.02 so it uses adifferent method of copy protection, this is supplied with the patchto v3.03c... Oh, and in v3.03c you don't need the CD to quit thegame..Q. How do I take a screen grab in CM3?A. Press Print Screen and the screen is transferred to the clipboard,where it can be pasted in a paint program and saved...Q. How do you terminate a loan?A. If the player is loaned in, you can't, if you've loaned the playerout, the option is under the action button.Q. Why can't I manage a team in the Conference (or any other lowdivision apparently in CM3)?A. You need to select the normal database size when you start a newgame (not quickstart), as the minimum database size excludes some ofthe lowest division(s) in some leagues.Q. Why does the installer program run every time I put the cd in?A. This is a poor slip up on whoever was responsible for theinstaller's side, to stop it, either hold down whilst the cdis being read, or disable "auto insert notification" in the cd-romproperties in control panel, or using an unsupported MSoft product,Tweak UI (Win 98 ver on cd - somewhere - Win 95 for d/load on MS site- search for powertoys) you can disable auto run data cd's, but notmusic cd's if you so wish...Q. How does my team get promoted from semi-professional toprofessional? All my players have full time contracts. Does itmatter?A. It depends on what division you are in, if you are in a lowdivision you may have to be promoted for the status to change, itaffects the players who want to join you as less are likely to join asemi-pro club than a similar pro club...Q. My board refuses to pay more than X per year even though my teamis "rich". Is this because my team is semi-pro?A. If you have used CM XRT to add money then the board need a while torealise the money is there, otherwise you may be paying the rest ofthe players quite a lot and the board are reluctant to let youincrease the wage bill as you may be making a weekly loss...Q. Why can't I load the US league/Where is the MLS?A. The US league was not included because of the unusual transfersystem within the MLS, with all the players being contracted to theleague and each club having a wage limit, and transfer fees going tothe league, not the club when a player left the league...Q. What does running leagues in the background mean and how is itdifferent from selecting the league?A. Running leagues in the background means that the full league runs(i.e. awards, league tables etc.) however a cut-down match engine isused for the results which means that it doesn't take up as muchprocessor time. NB. You cannot manage teams in a background league.(answer quoted from Marc Vaughan, SI)Q. Why is Japan in the Copa America?A. To make up the number of teams so they can have 3 groups of 4teams, two countries are invited to the tournament, in the firstseason it is Japan and Mexico... (People only spot Japan, not Mexico,strange?)...Q. Why doesn't the background sound change/vary?A. To hear differences in the background sound during a match youhave to have the commentary speed set at Slow or Very Slow.Q. How does the Bosman ruling work?A. To sign a player under the Bosman ruling, you have to waituntil the player's contract has 6 or less months left before itexpires and then under the 'Action' menu there is an extra optioncalled 'Approach to sign' This bypasses the club and you offer theplayer a contract, if he accepts then he will join your club on theday after his contract expires for no fee.Q. Where are the star players?A. There are no stars next to the best players' names, this may beto make it harder to tell who a club's star players are, this featurewas also missing from the demo.Q. Why can't I sign player x because my squad is full, but I can signother players?A. Check whether player x is asking to be a player/non-player, ifhe is then you have your full allocation of that type of staff in yoursquad already (max 7 scouts, 6 coaches inc. asst. manager, max 3physios).Q. How can I stop my player from playing in the reserves and becomingunfit, despite promoting him to the senior squad?A. Go to you reserve squad screen and single click on the reservesquad position assigned to that player, the player will then disappearfrom the reserve squad and the player will only be available for thesenior squad until you demote him. (fixed in v3.03b)Q. Why is the percentage of matches calculated going up irregularly?A. The game is hiding irrelevant results from you, and so you only seethe results (e.g. in friendlies) which concern clubs from your county,except in european competitions.Q. Why is CM3 taking up XMB/GB?A. The quick start files (similar to the demo) are very large in sizeand in total take up 1.2GB if they are all installed.Q. What are the specifications/minimum install size for CM3?A. CM3 will run on a P133 with 16MB RAM running Win95/98 and Direct X6 (WinNT unknown, but not likely due to SP4 only supporting Direct X3, not 6 as required by CM3), with a 4X CD-ROM drive, 2MB graphicscard, supporting (this is a must) 800x600 resolution at 16 bit colour.The minimum install size for CM3 is about 30MB excluding save gamefiles for the game with no sounds, one (?) background picture, nohistory, and no quick start files; without the quick start files theinstall size is a max of 500MB, the quick start files being a total of1.2GB in size...Q. Why is my reserve team coach not being sacked, despite my reserveteam doing really badly?A. You decide whether the assistant manager is sacked or not, via theAction - Terminate Contract button.Q. What is an assistant manager for?A. He controls the reserve team if you don't control them, he alsocounts as a coach in training and has a motivational/disciplinaryeffect on players...Q. When I play a European match, I am able to select players in thereserves who I haven't registered, is this a bug?A. No it isn't a bug, you don't need to register players who are under21 years old (including 21 years??) in European competitions.2.2.8 TacticsPressing - Your players (except defenders) close down upon theopposition and make more tackles, which when the tackles are wonresults in more possession and chances for your team, the down side isthat your players concede more free kicks and get booked more often,defenders are set by default to no pressing so they don't give awaypenalties...Counter Attack - If your opposition are attacking and they loseposession then your side get men forwards to support an immediateattack whilst the opposition players are still coming back from theattack and if there are more attacking players than defensive playersthen a player who is unmarked/open takes a shot on goal/takes on thekeeper. This can result in high score lines if both sides use thetactic and the more attacking formation are usually caught out ifthere is a counter-counter attack...Offside Trap - Your defenders move forwards to try and get oppositionplayers caught offside, but when beaten the defense is very weak asthe defenders have to get back and a one-on-one situation usuallydevelops with your keeper and an opposition forward...Men Behind Ball - Your players all put themselves between the ball andthe goal while they're not in possession as a replacement for the"Ultra-Defensive" tactic from CM2, they are also cautious whenattacking and may remain in their own half whilst the 1-3 striker(s)attack on their own without midfield support, this results in fewergoals conceded, but also fewer goals scored...Super Tactics:There are a number of spoiler 'super tactics' currently incirculation, if you wish to ruin the fun of your game then follow thelink to _tactics.htm 2.2.9 TransfersClub negotiation - Buying and SellingHow much to offer:If the player is transfer listed then the club will accept less thanthe asking price for the player as the club wishes the player to leavethe club.If the player is considered by the club to be a valuable part of thesquad then they are obviously reluctant to let him go and need abigger bid to change their minds, how much bigger depends on howvaluable he is to the club.1 - Monthly InstallmentsOver how long your monthly payments to his current club will span,e.g. 6 months to 24 months or if it is not selected the cash will goin one lump sum to the selling club when the player moves...When buying and you have poor finances but a steady profit then selectthis option, if you have good finances then there is no need.When selling try not to have this option selected so you get all ofthe money at once and can use it as soon as possible... but with thisoption selected clubs may be more willing to offer more in total foryour player...2 - Percentage of next saleIf you sell the player later then the club you are buying him offreceive a percentage of the money you receive for that player, buy a player for 5M, you later sell him for 10M and he had a 10%next sale clause then 1M of the money you receive from selling himgoes to the club you bought him off and you receive a total of 9M andthe club you bought him off receive a total of 6M; what is morelikely to happen is a player is sold first for 500k, then for severalmillion and the original club gets more from the second transfer thanthe first...When buying try not to have this option selected, but if the otherclub insists on it then reduce it as much as you can...When selling this is only really useful on younger players as they aremore likely to move again in their careers, but watch out as they maymove under the bosman ruling leaving you with less than you might havehad...3 - Fee after 10 League Apps.If/when he makes his 10th league appearance for you then you pay hisprevious club some money, this can also be set to 20, 30, 40 or 50apps and is used as a way of breaking up the payments and a reward forthe club selling him if the player establishes himself in his newclub's team...When buying this is a way of breaking up your payments for the playerand can be used to gain an upper hand if there is a bidding war...When selling this option is only reasonable if the club is offeringenough in a lump sum initially when the player moves as the player maynever make the 10 games...4 - Fee after 10 International Apps.Same as for 3 except its for appearances for his country...I don't know if this applies if a player makes 9 apps for his new cluband moves on to another club where he makes that 10th appearance..anyone know?5 - Make transfer bid publicIf no then you have a greater chance of getting the player for lessand without competition from other clubs, the selling club will alwaysmake it public so they attract the interest of other clubs who may bidmore for the player...When buying select this as no (it should be already) so other clubsdon't notice your bid and start a bidding war for the player where youend up paying more or the player goes to another club...When selling select this as yes (it should be already) so other clubsare alerted to the sale and you will get more for the player...Player Negotiation1 - Indispensable to clubThis should only be offered to players who you know will become apermanent fixture in your team and won't be dropped unless they'reunavailable. These players should be better than anyone in yoursquad.2 - Important first team playerOffered to players who will participate in most games and are fairlygood compared to your current squad.3 - Used in squad rotation systemThese players will play in about half of your games and will acceptoccasionally being relegated to your reserves, but not for too long.These players will be of average ability compared to your currentfirst team squad.4 - Backup for first teamThese players will mainly feature in the reserves but expect to beplayed at least a few times every year. These are generally utilityplayers and of average ability.5 - Hot prospect for the futureThese players will be happy to sit in the reserves for a few years,but after they are 20-23+ they expect to be played in the first team.If they are played in the first team for any length of time they willwant a new squad status and contract.6 - Decent young playerNot quite as good as players offered 5, but also happy to play in thereserves for some time. If they are played in the first team for anylength of time they will want a new squad status and contract, theseplayers will wait a bit more than hot prospects before asking formore.If the player says they are not interested in negotiating terms aswhatever you've offered them then go back and change their statusuntil they are willing to negotiate. If they say they don't want todiscuss terms the player doesn't want to go to your club and noamount of persuading will change his mind.If you tell the player that he will, for example, be an importantfirst team player and then play him in the reserves then he willbecome unhappy that you have lied to him and demand to leave, hismorale will also go down and this will have a slight effect on therest of the team depending on how 'big' a player he is/was...2.2.10 Training QuestionsQ. How can I improve my players' morale?A. There are several reasons a player may have a low or very lowmorale, they may be unhappy with their current contract and want a payrise, or they may have an incorrect squad status, or they may feelthat they should be played more often, or they are being over trainedand need a break from training.Q. I have trained my star defender to play on the left side, why doeshe lose the position a few weeks after he is taken out of training forthe left side?A. You have to keep training him for a certain amount of time after heattains use of the new position, otherwise he'll eventually revert tohis original position. (Marc Vaughan)Q. I've noticed that some of my players' stats have changed, but theyhaven't changed colour in training, why?A. The change has not been influenced by training, some stats changegradually with age, others drop suddenly for some reason or another.Q. In training, what do the red and yellow attributes mean?A. Red means that the skill has gone down, yellow means that it hasgone up and cyan (blue) means that it has not changed.Q. In training, when you select the coaches for each skill area, whichis on and which is off?A. Yellow is on and green is off.2.2.11 FeaturesIf you find you have reached the limit of 50 players in your squadwhen you are faced with a prompt asking you to confirm a transfer, youcan free transfer a player out and then go back to the prompt withouthaving to delay the transfer for a week. Don't know what happens ifthe board veto the free transfer though...If you delete or rename the game.mbr and match.mbr files in thecm3\data folder then you get cool transparent menu bars and you cansee more of the background picture. (Thanks to Stephen Sykes )You can 'multi-task' whilst the game is progressing to the next game,by clicking and holding down on the left mouse button, whenever themouse cursor is a hand while the game is processing matches.If you are sacked and do not wish to lose you manager points andreputation, whilst remaining manager of the club, just retire theexisting manger, and create a new manager with the same name andnationality, who will have the same reputation as the previousmanager, and you can take over the club you were sacked from. (Thanks to Oscar López Sierra )2.2.12 PicturesEditing pics.cfg:Open the file with notepadUnder the section '[CLUBS]' are all the pictures that can appear whenthe club name is clicked on, to add a picture to this section eitheradd it on to an existing entry (if there is one) such as:Manchester City: 26739.rgn, 27754.rgn, city.rgnWhere city.rgn is the file you want to add (note that the other filenames are made up)To add a picture for a club not listed here you need to type the longname of the club, which is displayed at the squad screen, e.g. AtleticClub de Bilbao (sp?) and then the file name like this:Torquay United: torquay.rgnWhenever adding pictures, separate them by a comma, and the team namefrom the pictures by a colon and a space, always include the full filename.You can do similar things under the '[NATIONS]' section e.g.Azerbaijan: azerbaij.rgnEngland: eng_01.rgn, eng_04.rgn, england_66.rgn(should you find a pic of the world cup winning side)Also for the '[COMPS]' competitions, note the to surround pics tobe displayed only when the comp is won.Under the '[STADIUMS]' you need to put the full name of the stadium,excluding the city and the filename, e.g.:Plainmoor: torquay.rgnSo whenever it is used as a neutral venue that picture shows up.For players '[STAFF]' it is slightly more tricky, you need the firstname, the last name, then the date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy form:Michael Owen 14/12/1979: eng_07.rgn, eng_08.rgn, owen.rgnJohn Smith 1/1/63: john.rgnThe second example should be able to be used for you if you always use'John Smith' as your name, and whenever you click on yourself to viewyour history etc. the pic should appear, I haven't tried it myself soI don't know if it will work, but it should do.2.3. NewsCM3 Has been released !! But there have been problems. If you have anyproblems get in contact with or post yourquery to this newsgroup if they can't help you, but we can't guaranteean answer.There is a demo of CM3 available to download from any of the links onwww.champman.netThe first monthly update for CM3 is out, go to in theessentials section for the file. V3.03c for direct download at get this version, not V3.03...3. Questions.3.1. Questions not to ask.Q. Will we need the CD to play CM3 ?A. Only to install (obviously) and to start the game. After that, no.Q. When is CM3 going to be released ?A. It has been released on the 26th March.Q. When is CM4 going to be released ?A. Work has not yet started on CM4.3.2. Topics covered.Q. How do I backup my CM9798 saved games ?A. For 16meg games, save *.s16 files and gamess16.idx. For 8meg games,save *.s8 files and gamess8.idx.Q. Will SI ever make any other sports sims ?A. We have often thought about this and always come to the samesolution. We just don't have the knowledge or passion needed about anyother sport - we think this is one of the reasons why CM games arepretty good because of this enthusiasm for footie. Anyway, we wouldn'trule it out and are making CM3 in such a way that other sports couldbe used (with CM2 this would have been impossible).Q. My game crashed after the first season - Why ?A. It is very difficult to say what the problem could be - it may bethat the saved game has become corrupted or there is a systemconflict. I would recommend you send an enquiry with an MSD report(check the CM97/98 manual) to Eidos Tech Support team as we do nothave the technical knowledge in this area to be of Or if you have been editing the databasesthis can cause conflicts with the code, which may not come to lightuntil after one or two seasons. Once the game has crashed there isgenerally no solution. You will have to start a new game andyou need to re-install the game first.Manual Installation:Try a manual installation. First delete the game completely.1. create a CM9798 directory on your hard drive2. copy all the files from the following folders on the CD to yourCM9798directory of your hard drive:Common\English\min\3. Go to the prompt and your CM9798 directory and type:cm2e8 (for the 8MB version)cm2e16 (for the 16MB game)cm2ed (for the database editor)Do not edit the databases straight away as editing them can causecrashes. See if the game runs OK first. If the game still crashesplease tell us of any error messages when the DOS screen appears.Also relevant:1. During installation, if the error message "error - installationfailed, check settings and try again then you need to do a manualinstallation.2. If you type "CM2", and the message "out of memory occurs, type"CM2E8" to run the game instead.3. There is an occasional problem with the checking of available harddisk space, if you get an error saying you don't have enough space,but you know that you have, do a manual installationQ. Can you tell me what happened to CM-All-stars?A. Sorry to have to tell you that CM All-stars has been scrapped andwill not be released. This is actually probably a good thing as wewere not involved in its development whatsoever - it was being done byin-house by Eidos.Q. How do I get into programming games ?A. You need to be able to program in C or if possible C++ as theselanguages are the best nowadays for game development. If you don'tknow C then I would suggest taking a course in C, or getting somebooks and teaching yourself - although the games industry isincreasingly relying on qualified rather than Self-taught programmersas it becomes a bigger, more professional industry than in the earlydays of Spectrums and C64s.In addition to some good qualifications, work on some demos or asample game. Publishers these days want people who are well-qualifiedbut who also have a creative side.Q. Can I play CM on a Mac ?A. There is no Mac version of CM2 - unfortunately it is not ourdecision - this is up to the publishers and they have repeatedly saidto us that it is not worth making one. Personally we would love to seeone. We will be making CM3 in a way which will make a Mac conversioneasy to do but again it is unlikely that one will be released.If you would like information regarding the use of CM2 on a Mac withan emulator, Alex Kamilewicz can provide it I'm using the editor which came with the game, anything special Ineed to know?A. Changing certain things in the database can cause the game to crash- such things as entering an incorrectly spelled nationality can causethe game to crash - also deleting certain teams, which link to thein-game code, can cause problems.Check what you entered (i.e nationalities). Check if there is an errormessage when the game crashes out - this may give the name of theplayer with the problem. If all else fails you will have to copy theoriginal databases from the CD again.Q. Do the scores in the top right of the screen affect calculationtime?A. It is not the displaying that takes the time it is that these gamesare being processed (i.e. actually played) - this is necessary to thegame. The trade off for more players, leagues and teams has been speed- we added the displaying of the scores to make the waiting a littlemore interesting.Q. C'mon SI - give us some cheats.A. Sorry - there are no intentional cheats in any of our games - youcan get hints and tips at our web site and many of the unofficial websites for CM2.Q. Where can I buy CM 97/98 or CM3 across the web?A. You could buy the game from the following on-line mail orderCompany:Special Reserve (UK Based Company) - Order on-line: Tel: 01279 600204 - Lines open between 9:30am and 8.00pm (Monday -Saturday) and 10.00am to 5.00pm on SundaysFAX - 01279 726842 (24 hours a day)-If you wish to place an order using cheque or postal order:Send it to: Special Reserve, PO Box 847, Harlow, CM21 9PH(Please Note: This is not an advert for this company but we have heardthrough various sources off the Internet that they have a goodcustomer service and are competitive on price.)Q. What exactly is the Bosman ruling ?A. The Bosman ruling is nowadays resulting in quite a few things thatno one even dreamed of a couple of years ago. But for cm2, there aretwo things worth taking in consideration. First, any player fromwithin the European Union and three participants of EFTA (EuropeanFree Trade Association) in the EEA (the European Economic Area accord)between EU and EFTA are not to be counted as foreigners when playingin any of these countries. These countries are, as said, EU + Norway,Liechtenstein and Iceland. Secondly, after a player's contract with aclub has ended, the club cannot charge anything if he leaves in favourfor another club. After contract has ended, the player is a freeagent, and may do whatever he want to.Q. Can I change the background pictures in the game ?A. Yes, you can. Load one of the picture in a graphic viewer of somesort. Notice the number of colours and the exact size. Make you ownpicture or use/convert another in PCX with maximum 63 colours and theexact same size. Save your picture, and rename it so it overwrites oneof the existing background pictures. Now you have changed thebackground picture. Or alternatively, check out Techcities PictureArchiveQ. CM2 uses 16 bits. How many bits will CM3 use, and why doesn't myLexmark work in CM9798 ?A. This is taken from a post from Matt Harbour:CM3 will be a Windows95+ program. Windows 95+ programs use 32-bitinstructions nothing to do with the number of colours. Previousversion of CM, including CM9798 all use 16-bit systems, this is whatDOS uses. 32-Bit uses less memory and also runs faster which means anincrease in speed in CM. That is why to play a DOS program Windowsmust open up a DOS prompt which you must close after you have finishedit. Also, 16-Bit programs are less stable than 32-Bit and are morelikely to crash, that is why if your screen saver comes on whileplaying CM often a message says that Program Terminated when you tryto get into it again. 16-Bit programs use DOS printers, so that is whya Lexmark printer will not work properly.Q. Updates ? They're everywhere !! But how do I use them ?A. When you download it, open the Zip file. When it asks where toExtract it to, choose your Championship Manager Directory. When itasks if you want to over-write anything, select yes. Start a new game,and voila !! Most updates need the patch, this can be obtained fromTechcities (See 4). Run Patchzip.exe, and that will be done,information on this can be found at Sports Interactive.Q. What does "X" mean in the editor which came with CM9798 ? (Replace"X" with a field-name.)A. If you read Edithelp.doc or Edithelp.txt, you will find out how touse everything in the database editor. If you are referring to"Gender," then we think this could be how different countries produce"The" in sentences.Q. Will there be an editor for CM3 ?A. No. SI bundled one in with CM9798 as it was the last game using theoriginal CM2 coding. The editor was for people who wanted to keepCM9798 up to date as there would be no update discs being sold.Q. I have a P133 with 16meg of RAM. What should I upgrade to get CM3to go faster ?A. Try more RAM first. Once you get to about 128meg, upgrade your CPU,otherwise, too much RAM and a small processor will cause bottlenecks.(Rushing through the RAM before stopping at a low speed processor incomparison.) To run one league, you will need a minimum of 16meg ofRAM and a 133mhz CPU. To run all leagues perfectly, you should need a400mhz CPU and 128meg of RAM. Time I bought a new PC !!4. Champman sites.Techcities UK - Sports Interactive - CM3-com - Michael's CM Players ICQ List - CM sites:N.B. These sites are listed as recommended by us, the users, but mayhave moved, or shut down, since inclusion. Any complaints should bedirected to the site administrators as this list is purely forinformation.CM Scandinavia:- Harbour CM3:- New Championship Manager Online Game:- storo/framesindex.htmCM Empire - All the latest news and downloads for CM3:- Dazsoft's Football Games Arena & CM3 update: - Lower Division's Guide - J.Evans: - CM3 Records: - CM3pix : THE site for CM3 backgrounds & The CM3 Team Picker v2.12:- CM3 Downloads:- CM3 Site:- cb004146CM heaven:- you wish to have your site listed in this section, and avoid beingflamed, drop me a mail.5. This FAQ.This FAQ was founded by Tommy Wright. The main "helper", Tom Adair,has been kind enough to give information on CM3 and has taken over aseditor of the FAQTommy Wright, the founder of this FAQ, can be reached at:tailgu...@cwcom.netICQ: 25071829Tom Adair, the editor of this FAQ can be contacted respectively 12626300Thanks to Martin Orr for converting the FAQ into HTML. Thanks Also toAlex Kamilewicz for some helpful advice on Macs.-Credits also to the enormous Champman following all over the world !!Credits for CM3 information: History Editing and Friendly arranging - Ali McLeodUDMA 33 Problem - Graham Thurlwell Transparent Menubars - Stephen SykesResuming career after sacking bug/cheat/feature - Oscar López SierraSome General Info - Sports Interactive comments posted to newsgroup-- FAQ updated 5/6:

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