Signed in the lower right corner in green crayon "Picasso," and numbered in pencil in the lower left corner in Roman numerals "IX of XXX." Also dated "30AA9.III (1949) in the plate lower right corner.REFERENCE # 00287
Art Files 2 Serial Number Mac 2
In the 1900 date system, dates are calculated by using January 1, 1900, as a starting point. When you enter a date, it is converted into a serial number that represents the number of days elapsed since January 1, 1900. For example, if you enter July 5, 2011, Excel converts the date to the serial number 40729. This is the default date system in Excel for Windows, Excel 2016 for Mac, and Excel for Mac 2011. If you choose to convert the pasted data, Excel adjusts the underlying values, and the pasted dates match the dates that you copied.
In the 1904 date system, dates are calculated by using January 1, 1904, as a starting point. When you enter a date, it is converted into a serial number that represents the number of days elapsed since January 1, 1904. For example, if you enter July 5, 2011, Excel converts the date to the serial number 39267. This is the default date system in earlier versions of Excel for Mac. If you choose not to convert the data and keep the 1904 date system, the pasted dates vary from the dates that you copied.
Because the two date systems use different starting days, the same date is represented by different serial numbers in each date system. For example, July 5, 2011, can have two different serial numbers, as follows:
The difference between the two date systems is 1,462 days. This means that the serial number of a date in the 1900 date system is always 1,462 days greater than the serial number of the same date in the 1904 date system. 1,462 days is equal to four years and one day (including one leap day).
With the October 2018 update, versions of Creative Cloud and Document Cloud are not available for deployment via serial number licensing. On November 30, 2020, many customers will also be affected by expiring serial numbers. To avoid interruption and to access the latest versions of the apps, customers must migrate to alternate licensing models. For more detail, see the announcement.
If the volume serial number has expired, users may experience licensing or serial number errors. You can use the AdobeExpiryCheck tool to check if the volume serial numbers have expired or are expiring soon. If they have expired or are expiring soon, it is recommended that you re-serialize with a new serial number.
AdobeExpiryCheck (v1.0.0.3) is a command-line utility for IT Admins to check whether Adobe products on a computer are using serial numbers that have expired or are expiring. IT Admins can use this tool if they are not sure whether the serial numbers used in their organization are expiring or if they want to identify the machines with expiring serial numbers.
With the AdobeExpiryCheck tool, admins can get the information about the product licensing identifier (LEID), the encrypted serial number, and the expiration date. To identify installs for Acrobat Professional DC and Standard DC, see Identifying Document Cloud Installs.
Once you have collected the output files from all the client machines, you can store them in a folder and run scripts to find the machines having expiring or expired serial numbers. For example:
You can also parse all the output files and export the result in a file. For example, you can use the following command to parse the output files for serial numbers expiring on 30 November and export the result in a .csv file:
Start by selecting and entering text into the input field. This will show matching strings (in bold) of the name, serial, or IP address after 2+ characters are entered. When there are matching luminaires, the parent device are also shown in the results indicating device hierarchy.
You can create an unlimited number of virtual machines from a single VMware Fusion license. You will need to provide the required operating system software and license for each installation of a virtual machine.
To license VMware Fusion, simply enter a purchased license key during product installation in the license key field. Alternatively, you can enter your serial / license key from the "VMware Fusion" drop-down menu in the product. Choose "License" in the drop-down menu, enter the serial / license key and choose "OK."
Chapter 1 described how to connect the Arduino serial port to your computer to upload sketches. The upload process sends data from your computer to Arduino and Arduino sends status messages back to the computer to confirm the transfer is working. The recipes here show how you can use this communication link to send and receive any information between Arduino and your computer or another serial device.
Your Arduino sketch can use the serial port to indirectly access (usually via a proxy program written in a language like Processing) all the resources (memory, screen, keyboard, mouse, network connectivity, etc.) that your computer has. Your computer can also use the serial link to interact with sensors or other devices connected to Arduino.
Implementing serial communications involves hardware and software. The hardware provides the electrical signaling between Arduino and the device it is talking to. The software uses the hardware to send bytes or bits that the connected hardware understands. The Arduino serial libraries insulate you from most of the hardware complexity, but it is helpful for you to understand the basics, especially if you need to troubleshoot any difficulties with serial communications in your projects.
Boards including the Uno, Duemilanove, Diecimila, Nano, and Mega have a chip to convert the hardware serial port on the Arduino chip to Universal Serial Bus (USB) for connection to the hardware serial port. Other boards, such as the Mini, Pro, Pro Mini, Boarduino, Sanguino, and Modern Device Bare Bones Board, do not have USB support and require an adapter for connecting to your computer that converts TTL to USB. See for more details on these boards.
Some serial devices use the RS-232 standard for serial connection. These usually have a nine-pin connector, and an adapter is required to use them with the Arduino. RS-232 is an old and venerated communications protocol that uses voltage levels not compatible with Arduino digital pins.
The Arduino Mega has four hardware serial ports that can communicate with up to four different serial devices. Only one of these has a USB adapter built in (you could wire a USB-TTL adapter to any of the other serial ports). Table 4-1 shows the port names and pins used for all of the Mega serial ports.
You will usually use the built-in Arduino serial library to communicate with the hardware serial ports. Serial libraries simplify the use of the serial ports by insulating you from hardware complexities.
Sometimes you need more serial ports than the number of hardware serial ports available. If this is the case, you can use an additional library that uses software to emulate serial hardware. Recipes 4.13 and 4.14 show how to use a software serial library to communicate with multiple devices.
The hardware or software serial libraries handle sending and receiving information. This information often consists of groups of variables that need to be sent together. For the information to be interpreted correctly, the receiving side needs to recognize where each message begins and ends. Meaningful serial communication, or any kind of machine-to-machine communication, can only be achieved if the sending and receiving sides fully agree how information is organized in the message. The formal organization of information in a message and the range of appropriate responses to requests is called a communications protocol.
To display text and numbers from your sketch on a PC or Mac via a serial link, put the Serial.begin(9600) statement in setup(), and then use Serial.print() statements to print the text and values you want to see.
The Arduino Serial Monitor function can display serial data sent from Arduino. To start the Serial Monitor, click the Serial Monitor toolbar icon as shown in Figure 4-2. A new window will open for displaying output from Arduino.
Your sketch must call the Serial.begin() function before it can use serial input or output. The function takes a single parameter: the desired communication speed. You must use the same speed for the sending side and the receiving side, or you will see gobbledygook (or nothing at all) on the screen. This example and most of the others in this book use a speed of 9,600 baud (baud is a measure of the number of bits transmitted per second). The 9,600 baud rate is approximately 1,000 characters per second. You can send at lower or higher rates (the range is 300 to 115,200), but make sure both sides use the same speed. The Serial Monitor sets the speed using the baud rate drop down (at the bottom right of the Serial Monitor window in Figure 4-2). If your output looks something like this:
The values (numbers) that you print depend on the type of variable; see Recipe 4.2 for more about this. But for now, printing an integer will print its numeric value, so if the variable number is 1, the following code:
In the example sketch, the number printed will be 0 when the loop starts and will increase by one each time through the loop. The ln at the end of println causes the next print statement to start on a new line.
You can use a liquid crystal display as a serial output device, although it will be very limited in functionality. Check the documentation to see how your display handles carriage returns, as some displays may not automatically advance to a new line after println statements.
Receiving numbers with more than one digit involves accumulating characters until a character that is not a valid digit is detected. The following code uses the same setup() and blink() functions as those shown earlier, but it gets digits until the newline character is received. It uses the accumulated value to set the blink rate. 2ff7e9595c